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Level 1

Ready to take your equine bodywork skills to the next level?

This in-person 3 day clinic on The Equine Kinetic Myofascial Lines, Beginner Neuro Fascial Conditioning™, and Beginner Rib Entrapment Syndrome Therapy™ offers new techniques and insights on how to balance the equine body and mind.

With an FEI permitted experienced instructor and hands-on learning, you will gain a deeper understanding of the equine myofascial system and how to improve horses' well-being.

Experience the transformative power of Neuro Facial Conditioning™ and Rib Entrapment Syndrome Therapy™ to balance the equine myofascial kinetic lines!

Foundation Fascia & Equikinetic Myofascial Lines

Ever wonder what these "Myofascial Lines" are that seem to be everywhere in social media right now?

Do you find yourself chasing lameness and various pathologies without ever finding the true culprit?

Would you like a better and updated "Equine Body Map" so that you can make better and more informed decisions for your horse's wellness?

Well this is the course for YOU! 

In this course we will demystify fascia by learning about its componets, properties, and functions.

You will become aquainted with the 12 myofascial lines, common acupoints associated with them, and common imbalances in each and how to spot them. 

Christy has taken 10 years of studying and developing protocols of the equine myofascial lines and compressed the information into an understandable course so that you may have a better "map" of your horses physiology. 

She has created original content and artwork of the individual muscles in each of the equine myofascial kinetic lines. Online course work in the form of spreadsheets will be provided to you to print and refer to back to in order to fully integrate this knowledge into your equine wellness program.

During the second half of the class we will take what we learned out to the stable and learn how to look at horses in a whole new way.

  • Learn how to look at bony anatomical parts to evaluate movement.

  • Learn how to take and analyze photos for myofascial imbalances.

  • Learn how to feel the horse beyond a superficial level to assess fascial and muscle health.

In this course you will be provided with the latest information on myofascial health as Christy is reguarly attending courses herself with Anatomy Trains creator Thomas Myers and other notable myofascial experts.

Neuro Fascial Conditioning™ to promote whole body healing and balance. 

With the use of an iastm fascial tool, you will learn how to easily influence the myofascial system with precision training of the fascial mechanoreceptors. Decreased pain, increased postural balance, and improved procioception are all possible with the non-invasive techniques learned in this class. 

  • Understand and integrate fascial anatomy, physiology, and neurology

  • Define and discuss the influence of neuroanatomy of the fascial subsystem

  • Explore the location and function of various mechanoreceptors within the skin

  • Understand and demonstrate the ability to provide fascial gliding to improve ROM and decrease pain

  • Practice, demonstrate and integrate assisted fascial tooling with functional myofascial release techniques and kinesiotaping to change proprioception and equine body-relative movement quality

Rib Entrapment Syndrome™, what is it and how can we alleviate it?

Have you ever asked yourself one of these CHRONIC QUESTIONS THAT PLAGUE the equine wellness industry...

  • What is the true reason we are having such a difficult time in finding lasting results in bodywork?

  • Why is chronic lameness seems to be rampant in our beloved horses?

  • Why does that right hip always seem to be “out”?

  • Why is the left shoulder often raised and higher than the right?

  • Why are saddles so hard to fit to your horse's back?

  • Why are horses harder to bend on one side more than the other?

  • Why does the right fore hoof seem to have more pathologies and have a medial deviation on that right fetlock?

The working theory, the ENTIRE rib cage is rotating to either the left or right, (usually the left).

Most of us have seen the pictures taken from behind the horse where the left side of the back "seems” to be more developed and the right side atrophied. That may not be the case at all. Using a MyoFascial 2 Point Therapy™ and Neuro Fascial Conditioning™ method, the ribs balance, and everything else just seems to easily shift back into the horse’s innate and natural balance with soft, passive Myofascial adjustments to the tissues and joints.

It is important to look at the relationship between the shoulder girdle, ribcage, and pelvis. There is another “sling” in the body, and that sling is connecting the ribs on either side to the pelvis and shoulders. When the ribs are rotated to the left, that left shoulder rotates upwards & caudally, the right shoulder is pulled down, which causes a medial rotation on the right fetlock, and the right hip is pulled down into an anterior tilt because of the tension from the external obliques that have their origin on the ribs. Once the rib slings are balanced, the hooves are considerably more balanced and the heel bulbs actually expand because the compression forces acting upon them have changed.

There are a few “magic spots”, that when manipulated in a certain order, can GREATLY improve a horse’s posture, breathing and oxygen utilization, hoof alignment, and overall wellbeing.

Riders have commented that their horse just feels “more centered” under them, and they don’t have “to ride them into correct balance, they are just “there” from the start”.

This method of balancing the horse's body for an optimal posture and free forward movement is over a decade in the making. Christy has studied with notable myofascial experts such as Thomas Myers and been in a Balanced Body™ Movement Specialist & Pilates instructor program to have a comprehensive understanding on why our, and our horses', bodies are chronically "out" of alignment and struggle with poor posture, decreased range of motion, and pain.

In this course you will learn:

  • Theory of myofascial, nerve, and vascular entrapments and how they affect rib alignment

  • The possible causes of Rib Entrapment

  • Assesment of horses' rib slings

  • Beginner therapies to influence the myofascial kinetic lines that are "entrapping" the ribs


"This weekend was a game changer.

Christy DiColla is on to something incredible with her work on Neuro Fascial Conditioning™, and Rib Entrapment Therapy™ - her knowledge and diligence around her life's work is second to none and I am beyond grateful for her sharing it with our group." - Yasmin Stuart Equine Physio, Educator and BTMM Instructor

"Having been beneficiary of Christy's Rib Entrapment Syndrome Therapy, I am so happy to see her sharing with others! 100% confirmed improvement! Christy's techniques enhance muscle performance and she is part of Shannondale Farms regular wellness care for our equine athletes.

The horse's are her biggest fans!" - Julie Shannon, Owner at Shannondale Farm, USEF Elite Training Center



This course is offered as Module 1 and is the foundation for a ZENMÂ Equine Myofascial Bodyworker Certification.

Each module builds upon the next for a complete program to rebalance the equine Myofascial Kinetic Lines and Ribs.

  • Module 1 and Module 3, (Advanced Rib Entrapment Therapy and Passive Joint Mobilization), combine for a certification in Rib Entrapment Release Therapy™.

  • Module 1 and Module 2, (Equine Myofascial Bodywork & Anatomy Course), combine for a certification in Equine Myofascial Bodyworker and Sports Massage Therapist.

  • Modules 1 thru 3, with Fascial Acu-Stim Therapy, Red Light Acu-therapy, and Kinesiotaping modules combine for a ZENMÂ certification in Advanced Equine Myofascial Specialist.

Discounts are available for multiple day clinics dependent on travel needs.

Military discounts are available for retired and active servive men and women.

Military Photo ID required.

Course Curriculum:

Day 1:

9:30am -1:00 pm 

  • How the myokinetic lines can Empower you!

  • What is Equine Body Mapping?™

  • What is Fascia?

  • What are the Myokinetic Lines

  • Brief overview of 12 lines and treatment protocols

  • Special Considerations


  • Lunch

2:00 pm-5:00 pm

  • Live horse assesments

  • Static horse assesment with pictures

  • Dynamic horse assesment

  • Palpative horse assesments

  • Overview of Equikinetic Myofascial Lines

  • Q&A

Day 2:

9:30am -1:00 pm 

  • Neuro Fascial Conditioning, (NFC), as a new model for soft tissue mobilization

  • NFC treatment protocols

  • Special Considerations

  • Experience the power of NFC methods with classmates by learning on eachother first!


  • Lunch

2:00 pm-5:00 pm

  • Learn treatment appications on horses

  • Practice applying NFC on Equine Myofascial Lines

  • Q&A

Day 3:

9:30am -1:00 pm 

  • Rib Entrapment Therapy™ , (RET), theory

  • Rib anatomy discussion

  • The art of touch

  • Myofascial Release Techniques for RET


  • Lunch

2:00 pm-5:00 pm

  • Learn treatment appications on horses

  • Practice applying BEGINNER RET techniques to balance the equine posture and correct asymmetries

  • Q&A

  • An online spreadsheet presentation will be available for you to print out for class.

  • An IASTM tool is included in purchase price of clinic.

  • This is Pre-requiste clinic for all other classes.

  • This course is suitable for both beginners and professionals.

  • Experience handling horses is required for this course.


Peachtree City, GA 30241


 Christy:    404-904-2343

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© 2022 by ZENMA wellness™. 

ZENMA wellness™ is an official trademarked brand.

The content displayed on the website is the intellectual property of ZENMA wellness™, LLC. You may not reuse, republish, recreate, or reprint content without our written consent.

Rib Entrapment Syndrome™  is the intellectual property of ZENMA wellness™, LLC. You may not reuse, republish, recreate, or reprint content without our written consent.

Neuro Fascial Conditioning™  is the intellectual property of ZENMA wellness™, LLC. You may not reuse, republish, recreate, or reprint content without our written consent.

Equine Body Mapping™  is the intellectual property of ZENMA wellness™, LLC. You may not reuse, republish, recreate, or reprint content without our written consent.

All information presented is merely for educational and informational purposes. It is not intended as veterinarian advice or diagnostics.

Should you decide to act upon any information without consulting with a veterinarian, you do so at your own risk.

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